Saturday, September 1, 2007

Used Cars Offer Better Insurance Rates

If you are on a tight budget you will want to watch what you are doing as far as buying a new car is concerned. Not only will a new car cost you a lot of money, but at the same time the insurance on it will also run on the high side. In order to combat this there is one option that you can consider. How about buying a used car? When you buy used you will be able to save money on the car itself, as well as the insurance that you need to stay covered.

The reason that you can get a better auto insurance rate on a used car is quite simple. The less that your car is worth, the less it will take to cover it as far as insurance is concerned. If a used car is stolen or damaged upon repair your auto insurance company will not have to spend as much money to replace it as they would if it was new. Also, auto insurance companies can charge less for both collision and comprehensive coverage on a used car. In turn, this will mean that your monthly premium is lower as well.

As far as liability coverage is concerned, it is about the same cost on both new and used cars. After all, it does not matter what type of car you are driving if you cause injury or damage to somebody else or their property. If you are liable, you are liable.

Of course there are other details that go into how low your auto insurance rate will be with a used car. If you have a clean driving record you will not have to worry about much. But on the other side of things if you have had some accidents in the past and appear to be a risk, you are going to have to pay a high premium no matter what kind of car you are driving.

But overall, if you are trying to save money buying a used car may be the way to go. This can help you save money on the car itself as well as the insurance that you will need to pay every month.

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